Flex Mail User Guide Print

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Welcome to FlexMail, below you' find how to do the basics along with some links to a wiki for the more complex questions you may have 


The basics: 

Webmail - To access webmail simply navigate to https://flexmail.org.uk  Enter your email and the password supplied to access. 

Setup on your device  - You can set up email on your devices by following this guide 

Add a signature - Click here to learn how to add a signature 

To setup your email in standard email software such as Outlook, please refer to our guide here https://netwiseuk.com/portal/index.php/knowledgebase/15/FlexMail-setup-in-Outlook.html  Please note that if you are migrating from our standard email system, you will need to update the incoming and outgoing mail server settings and the passwords as explained in this guide.   Other email software such as MacMail, Thunderbird will require the same settings as above.


By clicking on their name in the top right, users can access a control panel where they can customise the look and feel of their email, change their password, set a signature, an alias, forwarders and many other features.

IMPORTANT - Click on Look & Feel in this section to select your timezone and date format. This is so the emails in your inbox display the correct time and date. 


For all other features, see the wiki guide here https://wiki.emailarray.com/display/Support/Emailarray+Support+Documentation


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